Tech Papers
Premium Top-Flight Aircraft Entertainment System
AdonisOne™ is a luxury aircraft entertainment system that meets the most rigorous certifications and specifications required of onboard electronic devices.
It uses premium, hand-picked components designed to meet the foundational needs of aircraft operators and owners: first-class components that can be assembled at an attractive price point and deliver outstanding ease-of-use. Constructed for performance, reliability and long-life, Paradigm Tech warrants every AdonisOne for life. The device is built on an Intel board, whose small footprint hosts outsized performance capabilities. The broadband WiFi router ensures the AdonisOne will meet the streaming demands even on flights filled to maximum capacity.
When correctly installed in a compatible host system, the component parts meet applicable safety standards, declaration of conformity requirements, and EMC requirements internationally. The equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Class B regulations (such as emissions limits) are generally more stringent than those for Class A devices. The Intel board complies with EMC regulations, which are designed to ensure that electronic systems are “electromagnetically compatible” with their environment and intended usage.